Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Queen Victoria's first Christmas tree.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Piccadilly, London
(Photo Credit)
Calgary, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Winchester Castle, UK
(Photo Credit)
Calcutta, India
(Photo Credit)
Hong Kong
(Photo Credit)
Capetown, South Africa
Sheffield, UK
(Photo Credit)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Elizabeth II

As 81 Facts about the Queen , at the Times, points out, Her Majesty's the only British monarch properly trained in changing spark plugs, not to mention tires, and whatever else she learned during the war.
She's also the first to have her own channel at YouTube.

Grand Duchess Sofia Alexeyevna

She had a reason for looking so foul tempered. Her half-brother Peter the Great had her locked up ( With good cause! ) in a convent and hanged some of her streltsy outside her window.