Sunday, April 29, 2012

David Kalakaua, King of Hawaii


  1. I didn't know that Hawaii had their own monarchy at one time and your portrait prompted me to do some studying of their history. Very interesting!

  2. Why have I obly just discovered your blog? It's fascinating. I see you've not posted for a while, though. Shame.


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  4. nice congrazzzz.....

  5. Hi Jeffery Smith
    Highly impressed with your Royal Portraits. Question, Have you ever heard of -- or have any info on, a Valeria Flores Hapsburg? She is supposedly from Europe somewhere, born in the mid 1800s. I read something about her a few years ago, but can't remember where the info came from, or what I read about her. I just know I've seen her name before. Can you shed any light on this? Tks
    From, Curiosity

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  7. Sadly this blog and the others run by the same gentleman all seem to have gone silent about this time last year. I recall him once posting something that lead me to believe he was in poor health. Perhaps he has passed on. I hope not. But the number of spam comments suggests it is a real possibility.

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